We are a couple of gals who have decided to embark on a journey together of preparing for a 30 mile Limited Distance ride. The Pink Flamingo ride takes place on August 7 and 8th 2010... maybe this is the start of something new for us both!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Random Thoughts, continued

Ordered the high line gear this morning for the PF. It's almost time to schedule a training session for Delight and Tia. Sent a note and heard back from Sally Tarbet regarding aspects of the PF. I wonder if all endurance people are as generous and thoughtful as she is. Wow.

I realized today that I'm already thinking about tomorrow's trip to Eagle Island. Everything we read suggests that horse and rider need lots of LSD to build up strength and endurance. Sally told Char we need to increase the miles on our conditioning schedule. After last week's ride I google-mapped and charted out some distances at the park, so we have an idea where to be tomorrow. I happened to mention to a friend what I'd be doing and she just laughed and said something like riding ten miles at Eagle Island is like trying to swim laps in a kiddie pool! OK, but at least the place has lengthy open meadows to work out on. Reminds me of days back on Fort Buchanan, where we'd head to the 'race track' and run hell bent for election on our horses from one end to the other. Of course back then we never gave thought to the possibility of rocks, holes, bumps, falling off, getting hurt, or anything else practical! Aah, the innocence of youth....Nowadays I'm aware of every little thing that could go wrong. Char and I will be trotting a lot across those hay fields tomorrow...it's LSD (hehe).

All of the above points out the fact that we have much to do and so little time. Can't dwell too long over a previous ride. As far as Sunday is concerned, we got some good walk, trot, canter, and gallop miles under our belts. Another glorious day: blue sky, still green hills, cooling breeze to counter the heat, good friends, and awsome equines. I love the Emmett hills with their pretty little valleys, endless ridgelines, and beckoning draws. So far no snakes, cougars, or other nasties. Just an occasional other soul enjoying life from the back of a horse. How fun is that! And Sunday we had the pleasure of celebrating Char's birthday after our ride--a great feast of slow smoked pork roast and salmon, ribs, watermelon, salads, and three luscious desserts. Costco makes a wicked Red Velvet cake, by the way. Special thanks to our friend Lyn Kinney who generously hosted the gathering. She has a swell place indeed!

Tomorrow I have an early dentist appointment, a trip to Costco, and the ride at Eagle Island, all followed by dinner and fun for the church's junior and senior high youth groups in my back yard at 6:15! What a day!

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